I have Great News Lads.

Awhile back, I talked about potentially getting this really fast server… and I actually got it!

It’s live right now. I’ve BEEN setting up the server and this thing allows you guys to not only download the regular .torrents, but to Direct Download!! AND STREAM!!! You read it right, STREEAAMMM.

There’s not much else to say. Go check it out!

Just press on the regular links, example: “720p|5.46GB / 1080p|5.46GB“, to access the server.

14 Nov: I don’t know how much bandwidth this is going to use but WE ONLY HAVE ~23 DAYS LEFT (I lost some time due to setting it up and some stupid crap). I always wanted to try this out and it seemed really cool. I’m currently working on it and will be adding more and more today/tomorrow. It might be down or slower for the first 1 or 2 days but we’ll see.

This is EXPERIMENTAL! There WILL be modifications/small upgrades as we go. It ALL depends on how much people use it and if it actually lifts off… and… basically if I get enough donations…

Please comment below if there’s any problems with the server/site.

Now that I think about it, a seedbox, direct downloads and streaming seems like a lot……………….

I’ll be updating this post.

24 Nov: I’ll be adding a lot more ‘harder to get’ / ‘dead’ torrents today.


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You are the very best, the best of the bestest best. Keep up the awesome work.

Stefan Duelist

I really appreciate what you do for us anime fans and this is a great as well. Please don’t take this the wrong way but I was hopping that this feature would give some dead torrents like Bayonetta – Bloody Fate, Bodacious Space Pirates The Movie or Naruto Shippuuden a new chance. I don’t know how usual this is but I sometimes get the episode for a dead torrents off IRC when available and then seed the torrent using the data downloaded from IRC and more seeders could gather to revive the torrent.

Thank you and please keep up the good work.